One of my favorite books out right now is by Atlanta author, Debra Shigley. Her book is where I get the term Go Getter Girl, GGG for short. Debra shared her secrets on career success in her book, "Go-Getter Girls Guide: Get What You Want in Work and Life." I believe that women, up-and-coming and established, could use some friendly advice on self-promotion. So go get her book (Debra you owe me for this plug!!) Ms. Shigley believes that there is a Go-Getter Girl in all of us; we just need to learn to tap into that power.
So, what is a Go-Getter Girl, GGG for short? She is the one that many refer to as that girl, or remove girl and insert expletive, lol. She is smart, resourceful, savvy, fashion forward, and always on top or her game. We all know her, she may be your friend, co-worker, or someone that you don't know, but you should definitely get to know. That is why this blog is so important!! It is a place where we as Go-Getter Girls can gather swap stories, and drop advice and pearls of wisdom on each other in an environment where low self esteem and feelings of inadequacy WILL NOT be tolerated.
In the words of Beyonce Knowles, a true GGG, 'Let's Go Gettem'!
TLJ's top 5 tips on being a GGG
2. GGG's have people. You absolutely must expand your circle and learn how to schmooze a lot. Remember the strategy is success! The most valuable education is self-education, according to Debra Shigley. I agree. I must add that having a mentor and positive role models is just as valuable. If you don't have one, hell, I'll volunteer to be yours!!!
3. GGG's build wardrobes. Learn how to dress for success. My motto has always been, in business, don't dress for your current position, dress for the next position up! If you aspire to be an executive, then dress like you are already one. This builds your confidence, but also makes you stand out!! Be fabulous when being fabulous counts.
4. GGG's know how to get what they want. Learn the value of negotiation. It doesn't matter if you are buying knick-knacks from the local five & dime, negotiate the terms of what you want. The art of negotiation is to always look for a win-win for you and the other party. That will significantly boost your success rate in getting what you want out of the deal without making the other party feel cheated.
5. GGG's are fit and fabulous. Notice I said fit, not skinny, not athletic, but fit!! That means you have to know how to do what is right and healthy for you!! Now I will say that a part of being fit requires some form of mind, body and soul exercising. All three of these together, keep your stress levels low and your self-image high!! If you feel good about YOU, others will too. Don't be afraid to let your light shine!!
Okay, you now have your basic starter kit for getting what you want out of life, but now I want to hear from you. What do you think a GGG is and what tip can you give an up and coming Go Getter? Also, shout out someone who you believe is a GGG and share this post and your shout out with them!
Ms. Me
I want to give a shout out to Candice Dobbs!!! She is truly and inspirational woman, and is truly a GGG!!!